Add an activity to a Moodle course

1. Add the activity to a course

  1. Firstly, you need to go to a Moodle course.

  2. Now, depending of the course format, different approaches should be taken:

    Topics format

  3. If your course has a topics format, turn on editing mode by clicking on on the Actions menu (the gear icon) in the upper right corner. Select Turn on editing mode.

Turn on editing

  1. Click on the Add an activity or resource button.

Add an activity or resource

  1. Select the desired activity in the Add an activity or resource window.
  2. Click the Àdd button.

Single activity format

  1. If you want to use a single activity format for your course, be sure that the wanted activity is selected in the dropdown next to the Type of activity setting. This is done in the Edit course settings page, under Course format.

Course format